Thursday, 8 June 2017

Gravity V-2.O

The universe is well enlightened by Sir Newton's mathematical derivation of the law of gravity that gives the gravitational force Fg=(Gm1m2)/r^2. Exploring it and through some curious investigation against it may be we can get it into modifications for Fg=(Gd1d2)/r^2 .
Where 'd' is density of the two bodies experiencing gravitational force instead of mass 'm' only.

In support .....
A hot air balloon rises upwards defying gravity without any thrust .
It rises only due to the concept of hot air rising upwards due to decrease in its density.

Universally. ...
If a body with same mass that of earth but with significantly greater volume is placed in earth's orbit, it will wobble and chances are that it may leave the orbit without acknowledging the sun's gravitational pull.

This can be more clear with the following explanation:

Earthy analogy....
Let us rotate a metal ball of mass 'm' and volume 'v1' around a fixed axis with radius of it's orbit 'r' and with the same mass 'm' and radius of orbit 'r' but with greater volume 'v2' let us take another object (say a balloon ).
We may observe that on revolution of both the objects the metal ball stays around its orbit acknowledging the gravity whereas the ballon wobbles and tries to escape.

Nevertheless an air bubble when suspended in an atmosphere of dry ice stays at it's place without falling down.
Here the air bubble stays because it has lower density than that of solid CO2 . Here the gravitational pull is counter balanced by the lower density of it than the atmosphere in which it is subjected to.

We can also consider a cloud. The clouds never get to touch the surface of the earth as their density is less than the stratosphere to experience the gravitational pull of the earth.

Gravity changes the shape of space around an object . When another body is suspended around in the changed space due to gravity it must have a significant density to experience the gravitational pull of the former.
Similarly if the former object has no significant density it's gravity will fail to change the space around it and hence exert no gravitational pull towards any other body.

This must give us the idea that to experience gravitational force not only the masses of the bodies is required but also the volumes and hence density.


Thursday, 4 May 2017

Theory of Relation

This theory states that every matter/element/body in the universe is related to other on the basis of origin as well as end.

The theories of origin of the universe suggest its singular origin and of its constituent members. All the members of the universe  including the universe itself has originated from a single mass. There is a difference in appearance or behavior due to difference in the orientation and configuration of the building element(roots) of matter.

Why anything is the way it is?Why any object or phenomenon is in a particular manner?
Because the origin of everything is the same , they are as they are, due to interaction among themselves as different forms of the same building element.
For instance, take an example of the process of writing. While writing something on a paper only the ink sticks to the paper leaving the nib of the pen , whereas there is no such interaction between the nib and the paper. This may be due to the forces of the roots in the form of ink and paper being more nearer and similar than that of ink and nib or nib and paper. The forces of attraction or the frequency of vibration or the proportion in which the roots define the particular matter are significantly variable.

Each form of matter or energy is a different version of other. These are inter-convertible between each other. even the so called living and non-living beings are also inter-convertible. These are some properties such as the senses that distinguish one from the other. Look at a dead body, it is as dead as the coffin in which it s being kept. When the body is buried (or burnt) it converts its form into earth(or fire). Burning a wood or a living organism will ultimately result into ashes. Similarly burying a piece of wood or a human will result into coal. This gives the idea that one form of matter can be converted into another provided there is a supply of appropriate force to bring about the change.Destruction is an art of conversion from one form to another ultimate form.

The very famous equation E=mc² gives us the idea that mass and energy are related to each other. While energy is converted from one form to another then there must be possibilities for conversion of matter into it's another form directly .Not only from one state to another(Solid-Liquid-Gas) but also from one form of matter to another form. What is needed is to provide a force with such magnitude which is able to bring about the conversion.

Why anything interacts with other things as it does? Why everything exists the way it does?
This is probably because one form of matter recognizes its other form as matter in different version of it and accordingly proceeds the interaction with it.

Everything we look around has originated from a single root. There is a difference in appearances and the properties due to their origin in different conditions and environment. Even the conditions and the environment in which a particular form of matter is originated are the product of same root.

Everything is as dead as it is living. The living and non-living have a thin line called life in between. A healthy human body which is functioning is called living as it produces living cells and tissues. The living body also produces non-living or dead cells and tissues like nails and hairs. The hair and nails are considered dead as they lack the neurons  and functioning like any other body part. In fact these are the parts of the same body in different forms lacking some features of it similar to a non-living object.

Growth is considered as a sign of life. The tree grows as it is alive . Animals grow because they are living. After their death or after loosing of the driving force from the body, the living organisms' body stops any constructive growths. Organisms grow if fed . Metals expand on heating. whenever a metal object is provided with its driving force for growth i.e. heat , it grows/ expands. If we say that metals only expand if heated. Then arguing on its behalf, organisms grow only on feeding. If not fed the organisms will die and decay and a branch will decay in the same way iron will rust and decay if left out in moisture.

Ultimately everything either goes to earth or is burnt to ashes. These are finally converted back to the building element. Everything is related to everything. It is the way of interaction among each other that defines and differentiates each .


Thursday, 27 April 2017

Do we have a real existence?

"Present picture of the Universe that started off very hot . and cooled as it expanded , is in agreement with all the observational evidence that we have today. Nevertheless, it leaves a number of important questions unanswered.
1. Why was the early universe so hot?
2. Why is the universe so uniform on a large scale- Why does it look the same at all point of space and in all directions?
3. Why did the universe start out with so nearly the critical rate of expansion to just avoid collapse?If the rate of expansion one second after the big bang had been smaller by even one part in a hundred thousand million million, the universe would have re-collapsed before it ever reached its present size. On the other hand , if the expansion rate had been larger by the same amount , the universe would have expanded so much that it would be effectively empty now.
4. Despite the fact that universe is so uniform and homogeneous on a large scale, it contains local lumps such as stars and galaxies. These are thought to have developed from small difference in density of the early universe from one region to another.What was the origin of these density fluctuations?"

                                                                            -The Theory of Everything,Stephen Hawking

The questions may focus towards the assumption that the universe is a part of infinite number of experiments.
These experiments may have several objectives including :
1.The construction of a perfect universe to support the
2. formation of Galaxies and stars at their judicious position in space leading to the
3. designing of environment for the support of life and again to
4. achieve eternity of the model.

The initial models may have their temperatures either lower or higher than the present model.Which would have not been suitable for the grand design.If the temperature was more than what is now, it would have lead to the expansion of the universe at a larger exponential manner that might have resulted in the irregular flow of temperature in every direction,contrasting the fact that microwave background has the same temperature in every direction we look. In similar way if the temperature was lower the initial rate of expansion could not be precisely adjusted for the universe not to have collapsed before now.

For the positioning of galaxies and stars along with other heavenly bodies in space special attention would have been needed for not disrupting the model due to the gravitational attraction among the bodies.This would have led to their present positioning like local lumps by the adjustment of density in the experimental procedure.

In order to design the life support, there might have been many attempts to develop the essential prerequisite in the different regions of space visible and beyond. There would have been a number of possibilities to have developed such regions like the one of which we are part of, but in the attempt for development of intelligent life the result might have been similar to what we can relate to the dinosaurs. Taking into account the selection principle that we live in a region of the universe that is suitable for intelligent life.This fairly obvious and elementary consideration is sometimes called the anthropic principle.Achievements would have been gained in the different regions of space where the intelligence of life would either be more or less than the knowledge of the known.

The experiment would also carry the objective to sustain the existence of the required intelligence when attained by the involved species. This also leads towards the idea that the required intelligence is not attained by any of the kind in any region of space. If it would have been attained by now then either the human race would have been wiped out of existence or would have been directed towards immortality.


Friday, 7 April 2017

We are the universe

Life on Earth began with tiny bacterias (as everybody should know). After millions of years later the unicellular and then the multi-cellular organisms came into existence. Millions of years later(taking shortcut to the point, not making it sound boring) through the process of evolution, ladies and gentlemen here we are "The Human Beings".

But, the question arises where did those bacterias rise from and what was the origin of their origin and so on (if you are curious enough)!! Is it related with the origin of the Universe?

So, here it is. The bacterias were formed by the reaction gases surrounding the earth in its early state. These gases were the evolved by the expansion of the infinitesimally small and highly dense form of Universe during the Big Bang, that gave rise to our Earth and the Solar System and same way the present Universe. This gives us an idea that life on earth can be related to the elements responsible for the formation of present Universe.
We arrive at a conclusion that every living organism on the planet share the common line of evolution from a single origin

This means we are the product of the universe itself. Each cell and thus atom in us is the evolutionary product of the early state of the Universe.Every form of lifes are the evolved product of the Universe.

The photoreceptors in our eyes which help us see the Universe is Universe itself !(Cool !!)
Each brain cell is the Universe compelling you to understand the Universe itself !(Awesome !!)

Every matter, every energy is the universe itself !
Universe is responsible for why everything is the way it is !

The Universe has an interesting sense of irony-in it you are the Universe experiencing itself.
All you are is just a vision, a thought.  (Wait, What !!)

So next time when you get into a dilemma that who you are, why you are the way you are,

please recall this. :D


Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Do we remember the future?

Ever had a feeling of having experienced the present situation.
Sometimes we may feel like 'OMG why do i feel like this has happened before?'.

Well, this feeling is popularized with the name "Deja-Vu".It is believed that deja
-vu occurs when our brain fails to recall something having experienced in the past but after being in the similar conditions of place and environment our brain interprets it,starts to recall it and merges with the present situation making us feel that the same situation has already been experienced.

One theory of déjà vu attributes the feeling of having previously seen or experienced something that is currently being seen or experienced to that of having dreamt about a similar situation or place and then forgetting about it until one seems to be mysteriously reminded of the situation or the place while awake.The spontaneity of these types of déjà vu "moments" can catch any person off-guard, especially when they get the sensation from visiting a specific place they've never been to before, to the point where they're in a temporary state of shock and disbelief.

But sometimes we experience deja-vu at places we have never been before and the activities we have never done before.Sometimes the places coincide with those we were planning to go in future or activities we wanted to do but had not done till the moment.We experience deja-vu at the present as a recall of activities that we were planning to do in the future.Is it the ability of the brain to predict the future outcome of the activities being planned to be done?
Does our brain actually remembers the future! May be our brain has the stored memory of the future activities  like visiting the place or doing a particular activity and playing it in our thoughts while actually experiencing the situations.

In simpler words, suppose a person is planning of visiting a particular place or doing a particular activity in the future, the brain processes the thoughts and predicts the situation and the experience and stores it in the memory. Now, when the person actually experiences the situation ,the memories of the future predicted by the brain are recalled and the experience is felt to be experienced already.

Well,this is a matter of science that feels very mysterious that, may be our brain can remember the future.

Thank you for reading. Please leave comments of your opinions on my interpretation of "Deja-Vu". 

Gravity V-2.O

The universe is well enlightened by Sir Newton's mathematical derivation of the law of gravity that gives the gravitational force...