Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Do we remember the future?

Ever had a feeling of having experienced the present situation.
Sometimes we may feel like 'OMG why do i feel like this has happened before?'.

Well, this feeling is popularized with the name "Deja-Vu".It is believed that deja
-vu occurs when our brain fails to recall something having experienced in the past but after being in the similar conditions of place and environment our brain interprets it,starts to recall it and merges with the present situation making us feel that the same situation has already been experienced.

One theory of déjà vu attributes the feeling of having previously seen or experienced something that is currently being seen or experienced to that of having dreamt about a similar situation or place and then forgetting about it until one seems to be mysteriously reminded of the situation or the place while awake.The spontaneity of these types of déjà vu "moments" can catch any person off-guard, especially when they get the sensation from visiting a specific place they've never been to before, to the point where they're in a temporary state of shock and disbelief.

But sometimes we experience deja-vu at places we have never been before and the activities we have never done before.Sometimes the places coincide with those we were planning to go in future or activities we wanted to do but had not done till the moment.We experience deja-vu at the present as a recall of activities that we were planning to do in the future.Is it the ability of the brain to predict the future outcome of the activities being planned to be done?
Does our brain actually remembers the future! May be our brain has the stored memory of the future activities  like visiting the place or doing a particular activity and playing it in our thoughts while actually experiencing the situations.

In simpler words, suppose a person is planning of visiting a particular place or doing a particular activity in the future, the brain processes the thoughts and predicts the situation and the experience and stores it in the memory. Now, when the person actually experiences the situation ,the memories of the future predicted by the brain are recalled and the experience is felt to be experienced already.

Well,this is a matter of science that feels very mysterious that, may be our brain can remember the future.

Thank you for reading. Please leave comments of your opinions on my interpretation of "Deja-Vu". 

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